Wednesday 15 January 2014



Hye dearies semua..

Sehat ? Hopefully.. ngee today just nak kongsi pasal adik ADRA AFIEYA.

Adik kecil molek ini perlukan bantuan dan sokongan kita untuk terus hidup, and yes for sure Ketentuan Allah bagi sama2 melihat dunia ini. Si kecil molek ini mulanya sakit kuning biasa , sama seperti bayi2 yang baru lahir. Sama seperti baby kita perhaps, sama seperti aisyah.... cuma Adra Afieya mempunyai masalah hati yang teruk akibat jaundice . Now, she is survive and struggle to live with a failed to function liver .... and for sure, as a parents we want the best for our child... and most important thing is we want our child stay with us... we try, and try.. and keep trying, moga2 usaha kita membuahkan hasil dan Allah mendengar doa kita.

after do a biopsy recently, doc said, she need to do an operation. and after the operation, the chances for her to live is 10%, sedey.. her parents, terduduk after the doc have explain everything to them.. and the most sedey part is the cost for the liver transplant is RM 1 MILLION . yes, its one million. and that makes her parents again terduduk ... They did not have that much money, but they want Adra stay with them, didik dia and besarkan die menjadi anak yang solehah. same as with me and same with us..

Hence, its much appreciated if we could donate some of our money, to ringankan beban adra and her parents. 

*Nama mak and her account kat gambar atas nie. 

Now, adra di Hospital PPUM. We pray the best for her. 

Ainie pun terbaca berita nie dr kak Fyn Jamal, and ade jugak page Donation for ADRA AFIEYA FB Page Adra Afieya in Facebook . I just share, and try to help them, 

Jom, lets us lend a hand. Moga2 Allah memberkati setiap usaha dan doa kita dan memberikan anak ini serta ibu bapanya untuk hidup bersama. 

Si puteri Adra, 
Semoga kamu tetap kuat untuk terus hidup bersama ibu dan ayahmu....

We love u. 

*Salam Kasih, 

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